The Affirmation

My biggest single shift while reversing Electro Sensitivity, came the morning that I wrote The Affirmation below.  I had reached the lowest point in my journey, and I imagined death would be easier than trying to manage this condition any longer.  I had spent the morning in meditation, contemplation and a constant stream of tears, as I tried to make sense of what had happened to my life. At the end of my rope, I  began to ask the Creator a series of questions, whose surprising and precise answers led to a new and incredible sense of possibility, and a clear understanding of why I was exactly where I was meant to be. The following Affirmation came pouring out, and many more followed. 

I understood from years of listening to people like Dr. Bruce Lipton, that my cells would respond to anything I could hold as a strong belief and a constant reminder.  Also Dr. Joe Dispenza who reminds us that the mind is more powerful than science, and the mind is more powerful than matter... and so it is.  

I believed it was possible to change my body's relationship and response to radiation, and I did.  

Dr. Joe Dispenza & Dr. Bruce Lipton became important medicine for my mind.  I listened to them and a few others day in and day out.  

I recommend you print more than one copy of The Affirmation pdf below and have a copy with you at all times so that it can be used the moment it is needed. Keep a copy under your pillow and read it first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. 

"Electro-Hypersensitivity is a journey, not a destination"

Veronica Ciandre