How Music Affects Water And What That Means To Us

Can words and music really affect water? Dr. Masaru Emoto, a doctor of alternative medicine from Japan, has conducted many experiments on water crystals and have found that words and music have both positive and negative effects on water. Dr. Emoto’s experiments have been published into several books, one of them the well known book The Hidden Messages in Water. His findings show that music has a big effect on water and therefore, on us as well, since we are largely made up of water.

Dr. Emoto put water into containers and wrote or typed different thoughts and feelings on labels and put them on the containers. Immediately afterwards, the water was frozen and the combination of a microscope and high-speed photography resulted in photos of water crystals. Beautiful water crystals were formed when Dr. Emoto used beautiful words, such as love and gratitude, while misshapen and distorted crystals were formed when slang or swear words were used. Polluted water formed ugly crystals, but after polluted water was prayed over, prettier water crystals resulted.

Such amazing findings show that words, both written and spoken, can actually have an effect on water. But what about music? Dr. Emoto also did these water crystal experiments with music. He put water between two speakers and turned on a specific piece of music for several hours. Then the water was frozen and photographed by Dr. Emoto.

Classical music such as those by Beethoven and Bach resulted into beautiful water crystals. Dr. Emoto also found that the Tibet Sutra and the Kawachi Folk Dance all produced pretty water crystals. However, rock music did not have the same results - instead, rings of cracks showed up when the water exposed to rock music was frozen.

These results by Dr. Emoto and other scientists since then have shown that some music have healing properties and others don’t. What’s even more amazing is that music actually has an effect on a non-living, physical matter. Since 70% of our bodies are made up of water, we can apply the healing properties of classical music to our own bodies.

Every piece of music has different frequencies, and these frequencies can reach different parts of our body to assist our immune systems and minds to achieve healing and other positive effects. Dr. Emoto has said that he sees energy as vibrations moving through matter. These vibrations are called hado by Dr. Emoto. Hado translates as “wave motions” or “vibrations.”

For example, listening to “The Moldau” by Bedrich Smetana can reduce irritability and energize the lymphatic tissues of the body. Dr. Emoto attributes this to the hado in the music that can cancel out the hado of irritability. The music also resonates with the hado of lymphatic system. Other examples include listening to “The Blue Danube” by Johann Strauss II will revitalize your central nervous system, while listening to the opera “Lohengrin” by Richard Wagner will remove the hado of self-pity from your thoughts.

In all, Dr. Emoto and his research and findings on how music affects water has profound implications for us and the role music plays in our lives.

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